July 6th, 2013

Today's slate.

The Big Hurst - Madison Bumgarner

skoormit - Yu Darvish

La Osa Rosa - No pick

The Big Hurst: Strangely, I don't think anyone's picked Darvish yet.  Or Clay Buchholz.  I don't know what to label this list, or what it means, but here's the current Game Score Bingo scoreboard, as organized by pitcher:
Kershaw - 15
Santana - 9 (3, 3, 3)
Hernandez - 9
Fernandez - 9
Gonzalez - 8 (4, 4)
Iwakuma - 7
Harvey - 7
Locke - 6 (2, 2, 2)
Wainwright - 6
Zimmermann - 5
Gomez - 5
Strasburg - 5
De La Rosa - 5
Liriano - 5
Lee - 4
Pettitte - 4
Miller - 4
Colon - 4
Peavy - 4
Verlander - 3
Kuroda -3
Kendrick - 3
Bumgarner - 3
Fife - 2
Scherzer - 2
Dickey - 2
Capuano - 2
Lincecum - 1
Ryu - 1
skoormit: On a full MLB day (15 games), there are 30 pitchers to choose from, and a total of 15 points (5,4,3,2,1) that can be won. Picking a pitcher at random, therefore, has an average expectation of 0.5 points. So we are all doing somewhat better than a monkey.
The Big Hurst: Yep.


The Big Hurst: From worst to first in one day.  And Bumgarner walked with the bases loaded to drive in a run.  He does it all.


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